
Rae: Hunter of Pokke (Prologue)

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Rae:Hunter of Pokke

The moon laid her eyes upon a snowy field as a group of three treaded across towards an average sized village glowing in the distance. The sound of crunching could be heard as their boots flattened the fresh snow, the sound of clinking and banging as cold pots and pans smacked against battle worn swords and splintered shields. "Almost home... Jeez you think by now that they would have built a new guild hall in town, Pokke is starting to make a name for itself as a hunting town." The hunter sighed heavily, "It just doesn't seem fair that we have to travel so far just to take up a job." Soon after the statement a deep and hearty laughter could be heard radiating from the back of the group, "Ahhh Ramile you know that won't happen for another 2 or 3 years we've only started hunting, and hunters have barely started to settle in Pokke, come let us walk towards the warmth of home." And with a big smile, the hunter looked onward to his home of Pokke glowing gently in the distance by the mountains.

As the group traveled on, one of the hunters started to gradually fall behind, being unnoticed by her fellow hunters, she took a peek inside her satchel and put on a  grin. "Illyana! Keep on moving! We don't want to lose you out here in the snow now do we?" "Be right there!" Illyana then adjusted the items within her satchel, closed it, and moved along to join the other hunters."Rae?" "Hmm?" "How is Shai doing? I know we've been gone for a good week but it has been awhile since Ramile or I have seen her." Rae let out another hearty laugh, "last I remember she was nagging me about this stuffed doll she found over at market, for a small thing it cost quite a bit of zeni." Illyana smiled." Well that shouldn't be a problem now, with that job we just did we won't have to pull another hunt for at least another week maybe even  two." The three hunters continued to chatter as they made their way towards Pokke.

In due time the three found themselves at the front gate of the town, they said their farewells to one another and parted off into three separate directions.

Ramile the youngest of the three hunters headed towards the town hall where the town's chief resided, he was charged with the duty of reporting to her once their job was complete, and to give all the details on what went on during their hunt. "How did it go Ramile? Did you learn from them?" asked the village chief. "Yes mother, Rae and Illyana never let me out of their site, it seems I still have a few kinks that I need to work out before I become a hunter of their skill level." "In due time my boy, come there is plenty of food waiting for you in the other room, you can tell me all about it as you eat."

Illyana headed home to her cottage near the southern edge of the village, a small hike up the mountain but nothing too far. Resting upon the mountain perch overlooking most of the town, just from her window she could see almost everything that went on during the day, from merchants coming in to trade goods with people, to travelers making a stop on their wayward journey, and even  hunters who are coming in just to find some rest as they made their way towards the mountains. She set her satchell on the table in the center of the room and walked towards her fireplace. Crouching over she took some flint to start a fire, as she whispered to herself,  "With those beauties I'll be able to live quietly for the next 10 years, a new town that will recognize my hard work and will praise me for what I do." As the fire glowed from the fire place, two eggs glimmered in the light, one more golden than the mane of a rajang, the other one a shining silver."Hmph, idiots..." She smiled to herself.

The night started to settle, things started to quiet down in the village. A lone shopkeeper was putting away what was left of her goods for the day to a storage room in the back of her shop. "Gahhh! I guess I'm too late huh?" Rae starts to scratch his head in displeasure as he sees the shopkeeper closing up. "Oh Rae, welcome home! How was your hunt?... Oh you're not too late! I barely started closing what did you need?" Releasing a huge sigh of relief Rae's eyes gave the expression of relief, "Do you remember last week when Shai and I were here shopping around and she tried to sneak that toy into the basket?" The shopkeeper pauses for a moment, "Ah yes, yes I do, it was that stuffed piggy with the angel wings I think I still have it, I'll be right back." The Shopkeeper headed to the back room after quite a bit of rustling her voice emerged, "Here we go!" She returned holding a watermelon sized stuffed piglet. "Wow, I see why Shai wanted it its a real work of art!" Rae exclaimed while letting out a deep laugh. "I agree,this was made by a master seamstress in Kokoto, It arrived in a box of melons that I received a couple weeks back, as soon as I saw the glimmer in Shai's eyes, I kept it in the back, she came in every once in awhile while you were gone, bragging that she was saving up and that she would prove to you that she was starting to become a big girl." Rae smiled " That sounds like my little girl, how much do I owe ya?" The clerk smiled, "500 zeni please." Rae fastened his armor a bit and pulled out a large sack full of coins, after the exchange both of them exchanged their goodbyes and Rae left for home."Hehe, anything for my little Shai," as he holds the doll in his hand and grins, "I wonder what your name will be..." After walking down the main path, Rae approaches a well lit house, the aroma of fresh Popo stew lingered from the kitchen throughout the house and made its way past the door into Rae's soul. "Mmm my favorite... I wonder if they knew I was coming home today."

Rae knocked on the door and waited patiently. A soft voice could be heard, "Who could this be at this hour...? Coming!" As the door creaked open, the light then started to shine on scales of red emitting a fiery red glow. "I'm home my love." Before Rae could move he found himself in a tight embrace. "Welcome home dear." Slowly he wrapped his arms around her, "It feels good to be home."  As the two hugged a little head peered out from the corner of the hall, "Daddy!"  Rae soon found himself being charged by a small little white haired girl, his daughter. As she came closer to him she sprang up and wrapped both arms around his neck and hugged him tightly, "I missed you!" she exclaimed. Rae laughted and embraced his only daughter, after a moment he set her down, " I missed you too sweetie, I have something for you, cover your eyes." As soon as he was sure that her eyes were covered he reached into his bag and crouched down and held the stuffed doll in front of her. "Okay take a look." Shai's eyes lit up as she looked upon what her father was holding, she reached out and held the doll with both hands and stuffed her face behind the head of the little piggy. Rae with a very confident smile on his face said "What are you going to name 'em?" "Hmm, hmm" Shai's face was so buried into her new piggy that when she spoke her voice was muffled. "Take your mouth off your piggy my dear."  Erin said as she chuckled to herself looking at Rae. "Ullok, I want to name him Ullok." Shai said with a very confident expression. "Well Ullok it is," Rae smiled picked up his daughter and they proceeded to the kitchen. "I have so much to tell you all."

A few days had passed since Rae returned to the village, the chief had decided to throw a banquet in honor of the three hunters to commemorate their successful hunt. The village was buzzing with excitement all day, with everyone being so restless and so busy there was no chance for rest or idle conversation, everyone was doing their part to prepare such a big celebration. Then night fell upon the village laying down her cloak of darkness and silence, the village started to simmer down and everything was fully prepared. Everyone in the village was there gathered in the center of town by a large wooden structure fixed of large wooden logs arranged in a square, stacking very high competing in height with the surrounding buildings. The chief stepped onto a platform near the wooden structure, the buzzing in the crowds started to calm down as she put her hands up signaling everyone to be quiet.

"Tonight we celebrate the return of Pokke's three original hunters, for months now Rae, Illyana and Ramile have left the safety of our village countless times in order to help provide for Pokke. And their work has not gone unnoticed, yesterday I received a letter from Ethillian Wyrmsbane one of the head captains of the guild, because of our close positioning to the mountains and the hard work that these three have invested towards Pokke's name, the guild has decided on building a hall here!" The Chief threw her hands up to the air and soon after a thunderous uproar arose from the crowds. After a moment the chief then put her hands down in order to silence the crowds. "But let us not forget, the three who have worked so hard to give Pokke such an opportunity, our three hunters 'The Heroes of Pokke!', Illyana Drinsfellow!" Illyana dressed in her Congalala armor stepped up onto the platform ,the crowd broke into an uproar again applauding and yelling, Illyana's armor shimmered as she waved to the crowd, not used to the amount of attention she was receiving she blushed and let out a small smile. The Chiefs voice grew louder, "My son Ramile Wyndtail!" Continuously the crowd kept on cheering, Ramile walked up the platform and took his place next to Illyana donning the armor of a Blangonga he stomped his feet and posed as the white of the armor glowed while the moonlight shone upon them . "And finally the captain of our three... Rae Rinehart!" The crowd cheered even louder as Rae came from the crowd and walked onto the platform, the heat of the Rathalos could be felt as Rae walked through the crowd, he stood amongst his team members looked to the crowd and smiled. The Chief then picked up an unlit torch and faced Rae. "Rae, it is because of you and your team that we are able to build an even brighter future for Pokke," as she lit the torch she continued, " With your hard work we would like to give you the honor of lighting the fire, signaling the bright future that is to come to our village as it blossoms into a town that will take its place in the history of the guild, you are our reason to strive Rae!" The crowd cheered as Rae took the torch from the chief and looked to the crowd. "Thank you everyone, my team and I are humbled that you praise us so highly for our work, but I do not think that it should be I who lights the fire. It should be the person that gave me the strength to fight for our village, she is the one who gave me the drive to work so hard." Rae scanned the crowd looking left and right until he finally stopped in the direction of his family. "That person, is my daughter... Shai." Shai being so startled covered her mouth. Once more the crowd cheered as Shai stepped from her mothers side, and slowly walked up the platform joining her father and the other hunters, the crowd settled once more and observed as Rae knelt down next to his daughter and handed her the torch. Helping his daughter they both threw the torch into giant stack of logs, instantly setting it ablaze the crowd grew into a loud uproar. Shai looked up at her father to see that he had a gentle smile upon his face with tear filled eyes. Rae pulled in his daughter for a tight embrace and as he did Shai looked into the crowd, seeing everyone including the chief and the hunters brought tears into Shai's eyes as she heard, " You will forever be my motivation to fight, I will always love you." Rae then stood up and face the crowd, he positioned Shai in front of him and looked to the chief to finish the opening ceremony. The chief smiled and said, "Now that our future has been lit, let us celebrate Pokke's new future!" With that music began to play and many of the town market stalls opened revealing endless amounts of food and drink for the whole village to enjoy.

The celebration went on for hours as townsfolk sang, danced, ate, and drank. At the grand table sat the chief and her son, Rae and his family, and Illyana. The chief looked at Rae and asked, "So Rae what did you guys have to do for the guild this time?" Rae slightly drunk gave out a heavy laugh saying, "Ahh it was nothing! They had us capture a Rathian and a Rathalos, nothing too much for us to handle." Rae beat his chest with one hand and took another drink from his mug. "Nothing?! We've never fought anything so dangerous before..." The whole table then looked at Ramile for such an unexpected outburst." It wasn't just your typical Rathian and Rathalos, we had to capture a Golden Rathian and a Silver Rathalos, I had never been so afraid in my life..." Ramile put his head down for a moment. "But those two weren't a match for the Hunters of Pokke! Bwahahaha!" The whole table then burst into laughter. "Now I see why you guys are always in such high spirits when you return home," Erin chuckled as she took a bite of salted pork. "Yes, it's always Ramile who helps up pick ourselves up even when the situation feels pretty grim. Illyana had been charged off a cliff by the Silver Rathalos and I had to fight it alone for a while so that Ramile could go and rescue her." "Luckily I had fallen onto a large brush so it broke my fall, I'm alright though nothing too much to handle. I was more worried for Rae and Ramile than myself, but then the mate arrived... The Golden Rathian heard the roar of the rathalos and had come to help, and it spotted me, sadly I was close to its nest so it came after me first, luckily Ramile came in time to help me out, I had dropped one of my twin swords on the way down from the cliff... But luckily we got the job down and we're here now." Illyana continued to tell the story as questions arose, everyone listened with intense eyes, bursting into laughter every now and then because of Ramile's random remarks.  "Ah its getting late, excuse me I will be heading out for the night." Illyana said as she yawned. "But it's not even twilight yet Illyana! Stay a bit more we don't have another assignment from the guild so we can slack off a bit!" Rae said as he took another drink from his mug. "I would love too, but I am tired, I helped with the preparations this morning for the celebration and I'm exhausted." Illyana greeted everyone goodbye and headed off towards her home.

Soon the celebration died down and everyone found themselves either on their way home, or already turning in for the night. "Daddy!" "Hmm?" " I want to be a hunter just like you so I can make people smile one day too!" Rae laughed, " You have quite a bit of time before you're allowed to start hunting my dear, guild law requires you to at least be 19 before they even consider giving you a license. But when you come of age I will be happy to teach you everything I know, because..." He picked up his daughter and put her on his shoulders, " You will become stronger than me one day, and you'll be the on teaching me everything you know." "Really!? You think so papa?" " I know so..." Rae looked up at his daughter with a big smile of confidence. Shai looked down to her father with inspired eyes, "I'll become a Hunter of Legend!" Rae looked at Erin with the same smile and said, "Our baby girl is going to be a hunter of legend." "Yes she will, yes she will." Erin gave a gentle smile towards her daughter, "Then you'll be the one to make us dinner won't ya?" The three then burst into laughter as they continued to walk home.

The night began to settle, everyone was sound asleep, the town had become so quiet that if someone was to open a door you could hear it creak from the next house over. All the houses were filled with darkness, all except one the only house near the outskirts of town, the house of Illyana Drinsfellow. "Dawn tomorrow, I'll finally be free..." Illyana was already halfway done cleaning up her home, "I'll be the leader of my own team, I am no ones understudy."

The towns rest soon came to an abrupt end as two roars echoed throughout the town left and right houses began to emit light. "I know those roars... Erin wake up! Hurry find my sword!" Rae quickly jumped out of bed and began put on his armor, in the distance an alarm could be heard. The town was under attack. "Papa what's going on?" Shai exited her room rubbing her eye in sheer confusion. As Rae took his sword from Erin he turned to Shai, "Shai, I need you to take your mother to Illyana's cottage at the end of town okay? She's far enough for you two to be safe it's not safe here. As soon as you see her tell her to come here okay?" Shai nodded her head in confusion with fear behind her eyes as she held Ullok in her arms. "This is your first step to becoming a hunter, I need you and Ullok to be strong for me and your mother okay? I know you can do this " Rae embraced his daughter tightly then looked to his wife. Not one word was said between the two he held his wife close to his body and pressed his lips upon hers. The screams of townsfolk could be heard outside and it was getting closer, soon there was a pounding on the door. "Rae wake up! We're needed at the front gate of the village!" Erin looked at her husband, "Go, the town needs you." Once more the two embraced,"I'll be right out Ramile! Get as many as you can safe and meet me at the front gate!" Rae then turned to his daughter and kissed her upon the forehead looked her in the eyes and nodded his head. The door to the house opened as Rae looked towards the northern part of town, a large portion of the town was already engulfed in flames and that's when Rae spotted them. Soaring the sky breathing fire down upon the town was a wyvern as silver as the moon, the rathalos. Trampling the ground below glowing from the surrounding flames was the Golden Rathian looking in all the houses almost as if she was searching for something. Rae looked back into the house and gave his family the signal to run. After the signal was given Erin took her daughter by the hand and ran towards Illyana's cottage.Ramile looked over to Rae and yelled,  "Rae theres no time to wait for Illyana we have to go!" Rae nodded and the two hunters ran towards the burning part of the village.

Erin and Shai neared the cottage and began to bang on Illyana's door. "Illyana! The village is under attack! Wake up! Rae and Ramile need you!" No matter how hard their fists hit the door, they were met with no answer. The door eventually gave way, Shai ran inside first searching the whole cottage, unable to find anything she ran towards the back of the cottage with the thought that maybe Illyana was getting ready in the back. As Shai opened the door to the back of the cottage, her met Illyana's, mounted on top of a horse covered in a dark cloak. "Illyana! Daddy and Uncle Ramile need you!" "... I take orders from no one..." Illyana then turned her head, snapped the reins of the horse and rode outwards away from town. "Illyana! Where are you going! NO!" Erin hearing the screaming quickly ran towards the back of the house. "Shai! baby what happened!?" Shai panicked and confused ran towards the front of the house yelling,"I have to tell papa!" "Shai NO!" Erin then broke into a frantic run chasing her daughter down the hill trying to catch up to her. But then the screams started to become much louder a crowd of panicked villagers was heading directly towards Shai and Erin. "Shai Stop!" "Erin we have to go we have to evacuate the town!" The villagers were already passing Erin but she tried to continue her way towards the northern end of the village trying to catch up to Shai. Suddenly Erin was grabbed by two guards, "It's not safe ma'am we have to evacuate." "NO! My daughter someone get her PLEASE!" "There are other guards, don't worry she'll be safe." The guards then proceeded to drag Erin as she fought to free herself in order to chase after her daughter."SHAI!!!"

The northern part of the village was heavily engulfed by the time Rae and Ramile arrived. "Where is Illyana!? We need her if we're going to save the town." "I don't know but we have to hold them long enough so that the remaining guards can evacuate the village." Ramile raised his shield and lowered his lance. "Lets go Rae!" Before Ramile was given the opportunity to charge the Rathian saw the two hunters and let out a screeching roar. "Rae reached into his pouch and threw a flash bomb igniting it right before the Rathians eyes. In a panic the Rathian stepped back and swung her tail forward in an attempt to hit anything that may have been right in front of her. Ramile charged towards the wyvern at full run but was stuck by a fireball from the sky. Another roar could be heard from the sky as the Rathalos descended from the skies down to the scorched earth answering the call of his mate."Ramile!" "I'm alright! I'll take the Rathian try to spread out so we both don't get in each others way." "...Alright! Come here ya giant lizard!" Rae picked up a rock and hit the Rathalos clean in the face. The Rathalos turned and charged towards Rae. Ramile once again charged towards the Rathian.

The Rathalos roared and started running with great force towards Rae, with one motion Rae unsheathed his sword with great force swinging it down with perfect timing onto the Rathalos' head, staggering the beast causing it to lose balance and fall over. Rae then tumbled forward threw his sword back and focused all his energy int.o a charged blow. The surroundings silenced as rae counted to himself , "" With all his might he threw down his sword with both arms slamming it down towards the Rathalos' head but the Rathalos moved its head in time causing the blade to hit the right wing cutting deeply into its bone and webbing. The Rathalos staggered to its feet looked at Rae and gave out another terrifying roar. Rae lifted his sword readying himself for the Rathalos' next move.

Ramile busy with his own engagement charged underneath the Rathian and slammed the bottom of his handle on the ground pulling the trigger on his lance releasing a barrage of bullets into the Rathians under side. The Rathian screaming in pain staggered back and tried to look at its underside trying to figure what had just happened, Ramile took advantage of the situation reloaded his lande and charged his wyverns fire. After the Rathian had realized what had happened to her she looked forward only to be met with a great blast of elemental fire straight to her face.

As the battle progressed a voice was heard in the distance, "Papa! Illyana is gone!" Rae immediately recognizing the voice turned away from the behemoth before him to look at his daughter. "Shai! What are you doing!? Get out of here its too dangerous!" Shai then noticed the two metallic colored wyverns both in front of her father and her friend. Frozen in fear Shai screamed and froze in place staring at the two wyverns that were before her. Both the Rathian and Rathalos took notice of Shai and let out another ear splitting roar. Her body screamed for her to run away, she kept telling herself to run but she stood there frozen in fear, feet glued to the floor, eyes fixed upon silver phantom and the golden wraith behind it. "Shai! Ramile cover your eyes!" Shai hearing her father, looked at him and saw that he had thrown another flash bomb, she covered her eyes and a bright white light emerged blinding the Rathalos and the Rathian once more. In a quick moment she was snatched up by Ramile who had  started running away from the wyverns. "Papa! What about papa!?" "He'll be okay Shai we have to get you safe come on!" Ramile knew that if he had left Rae by himself for too long then it would be over for them both, Ramile took Shai to an alley that was still pretty close. " Ramille! Hurry!" Ramile unstrapped his shield from his arm and gave it to Shai. "Shai I need you to stay here and hide behind this okay? Don't worry about me or your dad we'll be okay." Shai doing her best to hold back the tears nodded in agreement. Ramile immediately looked back and charged towards the two wyverns.

Rae took a deep breath, switching his eyes back and forth his eyes meeting the gaze of each dragon slowly moving forward. The wyverns then started to charge forward, Rae rolled under the first wyvern and threw his sword upwards in a half moon strike striking the Golden Rathian upon her tail, scales and blood then started to drip onto the floor as Rae had cut a deep gash along the Rathians tail. The Silver Rathalos seeing what had just happened to his mate roared once more and fired a barrage of fireballs towards Rae. Quickly Rae swung his sword forward and shielded himself from the attack. The spheres exploded into wild licks of fire as the flames started to surrounding Rae. His armor singed and almost seemed to welcome the flames that temporarily engulfed him. Then suddenly a loud explosion was heard as Ramile successfully landed another wyverns fire upon the Rathalos as it had its head was lowered. The Rathalos fell on its side, but Ramile noticed something, the Rathian was missing. There was a screech from above the Rathian had taken flight. The Rathian backflipped in the air hitting Ramile with her tail sending him flying. Ramile, barely conscious looked up but could barely muster the strength to see that Rae was running towards him. Rae turned his back to the golden wyvern and ran towards Ramile, they would have to abandon, the town would be lost, but before he could reach Ramile, Rae was toppled and trampled by the Rathalos."GAHH!" "RAE!!!" Ramile tried to push himself up in attempts to try and rescue him, but quickly succumbed to the poison from the Rathian causing him to black out. Shai hearing the voice of her father, dropped Ramile's shield and looked out to her father who was struggling to get up off the floor. Rae had barely gotten to his feet before he had been whipped back by the Rathians tail. His body slammed into the wall of a nearby building and he was brought to his knees, blood dripped through his armor onto the floor, Rae could barely keep himself up. The Rathalos walked up to Rae and opened its mouth expelling gas into the atmosphere surrounding Rae.

Shai started to run towards her father, "Papa!" Rae turned and looked towards his daughter and met her eyes, with whatever strength he had left he yelled, "Run Shai!" It was that moment the  Rathalos snapped its mouth shut causing a spark to emerge from its teeth igniting the gas that he and the Rathian had been expelling.

The world stopped around Shai her eyes widened as she witnessed her father was engulfed into an explosion of fire. She fell to her knees as tears began to stream down her face. "Papa! Papa no!!!" she shrieked as she continued to scream.  It felt like centuries had passed within the few seconds it took for Shai to fully realize what happened. She had to fulfill her father final wish and run away, but she couldn't,  the fear from earlier had climbed back into her mind freezing her in place again, she was helpless, no one was around to save her. The two wyverns walked closer to Shai, both wyverns roared again and were about to strike again. Both wyverns began to run towards her.  In the distance Shai was able to hear the words "Fire." 45 feet away four Hunters stood behind Shai two carrying bowguns one with a bow, all were dressed in common steel armor, bearing the guild emblem upon their backs. The leader was a female dressed in all black, the scales on her amor seemed to absorb all light and energy that surrounded her. She threw her hand forward signaling the other hunters to fire upon the wyverns. With precision each shot fired hit but burst into small plumes of smoke on contact. Both the Rathalos and the Rathian collapsed on spot shaking the ground as both their body's hit and dragged along the ground. The huntress approached Shai extending her hand to the weeping girl, " My name is Ethillian, come with me you're safe now."  She placed her hand upon Shai's shoulder and tried to comfort Shai. Shai pushed her hand off and ran towards her father who was still lying on the floor. Shai approached her father, she removed his helmet and and looked upon his face. Shaking him she begged, "Papa wake up please! Wake up papa!. Papa Please! ..'t leave me... " Shai began to cry atop her father's body as she continuously begged him to wake up. Ethillian came forward and checked for a pulse on the fallen hunter, only to find nothing. "I'm sorry...I wish we could ha-." "Just leave us alone."Shai looked up to Ethillian with tears in her eyes, enforcing her wish to be alone with her father. Ethillian got up and looked behind her to check on her team. "This ones still breathing!" One of the hunters exclaimed as they checked Ramile. Ethillian ran over and  checked the body, "He's been poisoned by the Rathian, any simple antidote will do hurry or he won't make it. Ethillian stepped towards the sleeping Rathalos, she reached behind her and drew her sword, with one swoop she sliced underneath the Rathalos' neck, the Rathalos too heavily drugged to wake up began to bleed outrageously, as the bleeding progressed the wyvern stopped breathing. Slowly she walked to the Rathian, she swung her weapon and flipped a switch on the blade causing it to transform into an axe by the time she was finished with her swing. She held up her blade with both hands and swung down, killing the Rathian. Everyone was silent, the crackling of whatever fire was left mixed with the sobbing of Shai filled the air. Ethillian looked towards her team saying in a serious tone, "We will not let another tragedy happen."

The next day, everyone was allowed back into the town. Erin had been reunited with Shai, who in turn reunited her with Rae. The cloud of mourning weaved its way throughout the street and homes of Pokke. Again the town banded together... but not to celebrate everyone had made it out in one peace, everyone except for one person. Burnt wood was gathered from what was left of the burned building and arranged into a funeral pyre in the center of town. A bell rang in the distance, the time had come, the townspeople parted creating a central lane. 4 Hunters carried the Hunter of Pokke: Ramile, Ethillian, and 2 of the 3 hunters that accompanied Ethillian when she arrived, following behind them Erin held her daughter as they walked towards the center of town. Slowly they walked forward towards the pyre as the townsfolk watched in complete silence, looking upon a body it was not wearing the armor of a Rathalos, but the travelers garments of Pokke. Once they had reached the pyre, they placed Rae's body slowly on a charred board at the center of the pyre. Erin and Shai approached the body first, Erin looking at the body placed her lips upon her husband's forehead, Shai embraced her father one last time unable to hold back the tears wetting the garments that her father was wearing, soon after Shai let go Erin approached and poured oil over the Rae's clothing. As the two stepped back Chief approached placing 2 golden coins upon Rae's eyes. Ethillian approached next removing her cape, she placed it over Rae with the backside facing the sky exposing the golden symbol of the guild to the townsfolk allowing Rae to become an official  hunter of the guild. Ramile was last to approach, with a lit torch in his hand he whispered, " Together until the end Rae, please watch over us." He placed the torch in Rae's hands, slowly the flames started to engulf Rae's body, then the surrounding wood, and finally the rest of the pyre. Everyone watched as the pyre quickly caught fire and burned brightly, Shai held onto her mother, as tears ran down her face she said "Goodbye papa... I'll miss you... I love you... "
A fan fic about my Hunter (Shai)'s Father, this story is a prologue to the continuous series that I will be writing about my hunter from her start until she retires.

Art Credit goes to my good friend Terrance <3 ~ilikesyourshirt
© 2012 - 2024 Erahhbee
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